Manage Your Expectations

August 3, 2021

By Meghan Greenwood

Listen to this blog here:

Do you ever have those days when you wake up already irritated? Maybe your
alarm is the culprit, but perhaps, there is an underlying, invisible barrier
adding to the stir.

A lot of my basal irritation certainly comes from a lack of uninterrupted
sleep – with 2 kids under the age of 6, I have a long time to deal with this –
but another part festers from expectations.

I am constantly expecting and then being let down.

When it comes to expectations of others, I consistently think I know what
the other person will do or worse yet, that they know what I want. I’m an
assumer through and through. I tell myself that I have good social skills and
can read people well; but more often than not, assuming gets me into some sort
of disappointment. I don’t ask enough questions or provide enough context or
blatantly communicate MY wants, and therefore, when the person acts, I’m more
often than not disheartened.

I wish they would have done this. Or wish they could have asked about that.
But if I would just inquire, I could understand where the person is coming from
and overall, better understand who that person is.

When it comes to expectations of myself, I constantly have regrets. I’m fine
when it comes to getting tasks done and goals completed, but my underlying
issues (my temper, my reclusive behavior, my parenting) continue to let me
down. I have an ill-conceived thought that if I just keep doing or reaching the
end of my to-do list, all of the other stuff will just magically figure itself
out. Surely, I’m in control of myself, right?

But these expectations are not realistic. I need to work just as hard on the
things I push to the side as I do on the tangible listed items. I can either
set incremental goals to help with my inner expectations or accept that change
is unlikely.

So, unless I want that cantankerous feeling, as so hilariously depicted by
my adorable niece’s smoosh face (see photo), I’d better get on it.

Bottom line: Inquire, Communicate, Commit, and Accept.

Expectations managed.

1 Comment


    Great message. We should all follow but so hard!

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