Just Say Yes

May 25, 2021

By Meghan Greenwood

Listen to this blog: https://anchor.fm/meghan-greenwood/episodes/Just-Say-Yes-e11id7l

There is a lot of content available surrounding the power of the word ‘No’. Saying ‘no’ to a request that you don’t want to do, saying ‘no’ to someone who brings toxicity into your life, and generally, saying ‘no’ to protect your boundaries and limited rest time.

While I am a firm believer in ‘no’, I am also an advocate for ‘yes’.

‘Yes’ opens the door to new opportunities. It propels you forward to the next step on your path. It gives you purpose and direction.

‘Yes’ can also be very scary. It is peppered with unknowns. It can leave you feeling vulnerable or restless. It can burn you out because of overload and stress.

But, if you manage it well, ‘Yes’ can also be very beautiful. It’s a way to seize the day, grab life by the horns, jump at every chance to do something and live in the present.

It can be a good challenge, pushing you to new limits and then the warm feeling of success that washes over you once completed.

It can be the smile on a child, friend, or family member’s face. It can be the appreciation of a neighbor or community member. It can be a budding relationship or the rekindling of an old one.

It can be revitalizing a long-forgotten-about hobby. It can be setting new goals for yourself. It can put you back in control.

So, I ask you all, tomorrow morning, when you wake up, take a moment to stare at the ceiling and remind yourself that today is one more day you get to be on this earth. Say ‘yes’ and be a part of it!


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