I Didn’t Ignore It

May 17, 2021

By Meghan Greenwood

Listen to this blog: https://anchor.fm/meghan-greenwood/episodes/I-Didnt-Ignore-It-e112sta

As our lives start to get busier and busier (again), this is a perfect time to reflect on lessons learned over the course of the pandemic. One of the biggest in my world was dealing with health issues, instead of ignoring them.

When it comes to my own physical health, I’ve been in the mindset of “I’m fine. No need to rush to the doctor for that” for the majority of my years.

However, being that I was home with plenty of time to be aware, I utilized virtual doctor’s visits on more than one occasion.

About 2 months into the isolation, I woke up and felt like I’d been pushed over to the left. I couldn’t get my balance and had a terrible feeling that I’d be permanently sideways. How was I going to take care of the kids? Or dance? Vertigo is horrendous. After speaking to the doctor and ruling out a stroke, I was able to function with some anti-vert pills. Talk about a big surge of relief. Considering that I would have previously pushed through it without a medical consult, I may still be dealing with untreated episodes. Thank goodness for refills.

Fast forward another few months and I noticed a rash on my leg that had started to spread. Sure, I had had it since last summer (and ignored it), but I had simply chalked it up to sunspots following a sunburn. Apparently not. I freaked myself out with all kinds of irrational diagnoses (thanks WebMD) and then I called on the professionals. It turned out to be an infection that was only going to get worse if I didn’t treat it. Many topical treatments later and voila, rash gone.

The moral of the story is don’t brush off your health, especially in the environment we’re all currently living. Yes, it may be easier said than done to seek medical care, especially if your insurance coverage is scant or non-existent; but when it comes to your physical body, the financial costs may justify the risk mitigation.

Take care of you.


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