Do Instead of Don’t: A Food Tale

April 12, 2021

By Meghan Greenwood

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Working overtime, running to the next activity, carting around the kids. A busy lifestyle not only can make your stress levels run high, but it can certainly take a toll on what you put in your mouth.

With a plethora of grab-n-go options at your fingertips, not to mention how cheap most of them are, it is quite difficult to choose healthy over unhealthy.

Take for example the local drive thru. You and I both know how convenient it is to sit in your car, place an order for 5, have the food ready in under 5 minutes, and pay next to nothing to feed your entire family. It seems logical, economical, and stress-free. And the marketing behind it has brainwashed us all into thinking it’s a good choice.

Another example is that frozen meal in the grocery freezer section. Sure, there’s a vegetable (covered in cheese), a carb (which is likely the largest portioned item in the mix), and some semblance of a highly processed meat. From the front cover, you’d think you’re hitting all major food groups. Lo and behold, the nutrition content label shows high sodium, high carbohydrates, and probably a ton of added sugar.

We are all guilty of eating poorly. With food aplenty and time short, we all could use a change. You could sit back and feel crummy over the terrible food decisions you made this past week/month/year. You could try to make outlandish promises to yourself like, “I’m never going to eat sugar again.” Or you can start switching the conversation to do’s rather than don’ts.

Some do’s you can try on a regular basis:

  1. I will eat leafy green vegetables.
  2. I will drink more water.
  3. I will grab a fruit first when I have a sweet tooth.
  4. I will try a new, healthy food once a week.

These simple statements can be the catalyst to more and more good choices…and all without proclaiming any extreme don’ts or ridiculous avoidance commands.

Start small and let the do’s move you into a healthy direction. You are what you eat after all.

Stay tuned for more Food Tales in the coming weeks!


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