Is the Accountability Buddy Program for Me?

January 20, 2021

By Meghan Greenwood

What does coaching mean? Will it really help me stay motivated to reach my goals? What will I have to do to participate effectively in the AB program?

A lot of questions may be going through your head right now. With the start of a new year, we often start to set goals but then aren’t sure how we’re going to achieve them. Worse, we may be super motivated for a few weeks and then poof, fizzles out.

Coaching in and of itself is a process, with the intent of tapping into your own strengths. It consistently makes you think about your capabilities and successfully create change.

With my AB program, you’ll have an extra set of eyes, ears, and shoulders to bounce your ideas off of, talk through any struggles, and get back on track. In a way, I will be your surrogate; as you talk to me, we are only focusing on your goals. And the AB program continuously promotes encouragement and new, creative ideas to support you on your journey (take a look at the testimonials from other clients at the bottom of THIS page).

The process is also very helpful for those of us who need outer accountability, but don’t necessarily want to use the people in our home/circle/network. For example, it can be quite difficult to expect accountability from your spouse or partner, but with my program, I am unbiased third party. All you need to do is participate in your calls and do your best with the goals that we set together.

If you’re still on the fence, I am offering FREE 15 minute introductory calls to explain the process in more detail and answer any questions you may have, no obligations!

Reach out to @pghdreamerproductions on Facebook, @pghdreamer on IG, or email to set-up your intro call today!

Or, if you’re ready for an Accountability Buddy, subscribe now! My coaching is affordable, customized, and streamlined – I know how valuable your time is and we make the most of it, no gimmicks.


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