Use It or Lose It

October 19, 2020

By Meghan Greenwood

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Who doesn’t have a box of ‘maybes’ shoved into the back of their closet? Or better yet, an entire drawer of ‘ehh, they’re ok but I have nowhere to wear these’?

While well-intentioned, perhaps you’ve lost a little bit of reality. Are you ever going to need these items? Are they absolutely irreplaceable? What are you saving them for?

Now more than ever, we are intimate with our home…and our precious space within those 4 walls. And the last thing we need is for the items in our home to rule us or add to any chaos.

As coined by tidying guru Marie Kondo, does the item “spark joy?” Though intensified through her book, Netflix show, and overall pop culture impact, this simple phrase holds a lot of power.

Is the item something that makes you feel good? Is it sentimental? Is there any point in the future where you’d miss it if it were gone?

If you’re still on the fence, I urge you to ask yourself one more question:

Would it bring joy to someone else?

If the answer undoubtedly becomes “yes”, put a box in plain sight and start filling for donations.

The amount of joy in paying it forward will far outweigh that box of forgotten t-shirts and barely worn skirts.


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