5 Ways to Organize Your Calendar

May 8, 2023

By Meghan Greenwood

organize your calendar
organize your calendar

Listen to the Pgh Dreamer’s Pod: https://spotifyanchor-web.app.link/e/eOSKyKYwDzb

In a fast-paced world full of gadgets, you’d think it would be EASIER to maintain a calendar. But, alas, too many options and too much information from all angles sometimes creates a scheduling cluster.

Here are 5 easy ways to get your calendar organized:

  1. Immediately add items to your calendar. When you get an invite or an important meeting, don’t tell yourself that you’ll remember to do it later in a distraction-crazed world.
  2. Decide on a calendar that works best for you in this chapter of life. Is it electronic or classic paper? Do you need it with you at all times (on your phone) or do you prefer to check it on your fridge in the morning only?
  3. Consider categorizing. Whether you’re on an e-calendar or paper, you can categorize events with colors. Perhaps blue is work, red is family, and purple is personal.
  4. Share your calendar with others, when needed. If you are co-habitating, sharing your calendar is important to keep everyone on the same page. If you are someone who has a lot of meetings, sharing your calendar and asking others to schedule time with you in an open slot is a great approach – and there are apps that can help with this!
  5. Clearly mark open days. We all could use some spontaneity…or a much-needed break. Put a fun symbol on open days (or evenings) and you can easily see your chill time!


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