Stop and SEE the Roses

July 1, 2024

By Meghan Greenwood

stop and see the roses - live in the present
stop and see the roses - live in the present

Listen to the Pgh Dreamer’s Pod:

As I was pulling weeds yesterday, I just happened to look up – at a spot that I can see any day, any time. In the front of our home stands a beautiful calla lily plant. With it’s blushed pink and tall stems, I couldn’t believe my eyes. Has this been here the whole time? I simply love lilies! How did I miss this?

There have been innumerable instances where I’ve moved from one room to another and didn’t even realize it. I’ve walked outside and spent most of the time in my head. And I’ve definitely driven somewhere without the knowledge of how I got there.

So much is missed when we don’t live in the present moment. And even more so, based on my recent history, when we don’t take in our surroundings.

When was the last time you truly SAW the flowers?

I encourage everyone listening to walk with me through a simple exercise. If possible, try to do this exercise alone.

The next time you go outside, I want you to leave the phone behind. Pick a direction in which to walk – it doesn’t matter whether you live in the city or in the green. Start by taking 10 steps and look around. What do you see? What do you hear? What do you smell?

Take a mental note of something positive that has hit your senses. Continue for another 20 steps and stop. Has the perspective changed? Are there differences from this viewpoint? What is something positive you can absorb here?

Repeat this exercise for at least 5-10 minutes – perhaps walk in a circle back to your starting point. With each pause, utilize your olfactory, visual, and auditory senses. Remember a few beautiful stops along the way.

Implement this exercise as often as possible, and I can assure you that you won’t miss the blooming lilies.


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