5 Ways to Turn Lemons into Lemonade

October 10, 2022

By Meghan Greenwood

Listen to the podcast: https://spotifyanchor-web.app.link/e/8cUCYDBP0tb

When life issues pop up, it’s sometimes easy to give up. Throw in the towel. Play the blame game. Whatever makes you feel better – however, negative responses lead to temporary resolutions. Here are some better ways to whip up some tasty lemonade out of those lemons:

1. Lean into your feelings. No matter what you’re feeling, your feelings are valid. Take a moment, or longer, to lean into them and experience what you need to – cry, scream, or even go quiet. You’ll feel much better after.

2. Regain control. Do something you can control. Perhaps that means something simple or even unrelated to the issue at hand. Regardless, feeling back in control can be uplifting.

3. Learn from it. Lemons can sometimes be failures. Instead of dwelling on it or thinking about ‘what if’ scenarios, add to your knowledge pool and act differently next time.

4. Share it. Speak to a friend, family member, or your therapist about the issue. They may have a different perspective that can help unclutter the mess. 

5. Use it as fuel. Those lemons may seem like they’re weighing you down but repurpose them into something attainable. Be productive. Tackle something with force. There’s nowhere to go but up.


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