Live for the Weekday

September 26, 2022

By Meghan Greenwood

Listen to the podcast:


A sentiment popularized by the 90’s sitcom lineup of Full House, Family Matters, and Hanging with Mr. Cooper – but ultimately, the words that typically leave most working adults’ mouths come 8:00am Friday morning.

As a society, we live for the weekends. We dread the work week and over exaggerate the power of a measly 2-day weekend to restore and make us forget about the 9-to-5. It’s quite a pity and frankly, too much pressure on Saturday and Sunday.

While I’m not here to tell you to find a job you don’t loathe (that’s a different podcast entirely), I am here to encourage you to fit joy into your everyday. Even 10 minutes of something you enjoy counts and can make a world of difference in your week.

Let’s try an exercise together. Open up your calendar. Sure, it’s filled with meetings, activities, chauffeuring, chores, etc. Find a small block of time and think outside of the box here. Maybe it’s during your commute or on your lunch break or when the kids are busy with their extracurriculars. Pencil in something for you – wait, scratch that – pen in something for you. A cup of tea, listening to your favorite album, reading a chapter of a book, sitting outside with your eyes closed. Anything works as long as it brings you comfort.

Start small. I keep harping on this point but it’s important. This week, schedule in at least 1 ‘joy’ activity for you. Then maybe next week, if all goes well this week, add in a second ‘joy’ time. Eventually, momentum will push you forward and everyday will contain something that puts a smile on your face.

And I’m sure you’re thinking, but Meghan, shouldn’t we able to find joy in EVERYTHING we do. Well, all the yogis and meditation gurus would say ‘yes’, but if you’re like me and need some extra help on this front, why not schedule in a failsafe – something you know will do the trick!

The goal here is to replace that ‘TGIF’ feeling with, today is a new day!


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