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With social media aplenty and everyone else’s best moments on prominent display, it’s hard not to constantly compare yourself. And with each mindless scroll, you could certainly start succumbing to the ‘comparison trap‘ – how does she look so great after having a baby? what kind of job does he have to afford that new car? I wish I had the money to travel like they do.
While I’m all for social media detoxes and reminders that the majority of folks don’t air their dirty laundry, it’s more important to set your own standards and track your goals.
For example, you’re trying to lose weight. You have a baseline and you likely have a goal. Rather than being negatively influenced by Susan’s incredible overnight drop of the baby weight, monitor your progress only. Every incremental step counts and should be celebrated. Better yet, create a chart or use an electronic measurement system so you can visually see your journey. And no matter what Susan posts, don’t let her fool you – I’m sure she has good and bad days as well. If you fall off, get back on the horse and try try again.
A social support system can be validating, on or off social media, but at the end of the day, unless you support you, no one else’s standards matter. Take back control and rest assured you’re doing the best for you.
NICE Meghan!!
Thank you Shar!