Make a Plan

January 12, 2021

By Meghan Greenwood

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While it may seem motivating to state the goal, write it down, or even make it public knowledge (hello social media!), is that enough? For most people, figuring out the goal is challenging…and for some, once the goal is set, we have a misconception that it will just happen.

But goals aren’t magic. They take work to accomplish. And while you may have the best intentions at the start, without a firm grasp on how you’re going to get there, you may go down a path of futility, frustration, and eventually abandonment.

Never fear! There is a way to move forward, keeping your eye on the prize. Make a plan. A very detailed plan. Take 10 minutes per week to create a plan that will complement your lifestyle and then keep it in a visible location. The easier and more convenient the plan is for you, the more likely it will get done.

For example, say you want to work on your health. The simplest method is to state what the ultimate goal is first: lose 10 pounds. From there, create a calendar. Write out what you’re going to do per day (at a time that is most convenient for you to actually do it). “X” off each day once you complete the task. Add in milestones (“2-week weight check!”). Add in boosts & rewards (“If you lose 3 pounds by Saturday, purchase that new sweater”). STICK to the plan.

At the end of the month, you can pat yourself on the back if you’ve adhered to your plan. If you fell off, try again, perhaps with modifications and different milestones for subsequent months. Either way, you’re trying. It’s certainly better than relying on the genie to grant you what you want.

Keep up the good work!

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