Separate In-Home Destinations

August 11, 2020

By Meghan Greenwood

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Getting tired of your own 4 walls? Is the feeling of staying home unmotivating?

It’s time to look at your home with a fresh perspective.

You likely already do different tasks in each room – the kitchen for cooking, the bedroom for sleeping, the living room for watching TV. But now that we are in the home more often than not, does your work space sometimes spill over into the kitchen? What about places for you to unwind? Are those also taken over by the chaos of the week? Or have you never really thought about it before, since you were able to leave the home to decompress?

The fix: separate destinations. Nooks, if you will, within your own home. Places where you’ll only do XX. Purposeful and more importantly, visually tricking the brain into believing you are somewhere else outside of the home.

For example, I love to read. A simple corner of a room will suffice. Comfy chair, perhaps a small table for a drink, and you’ve created your reading destination.

The same applies for fitness. Maybe the thought of working out at home is less than appealing. Create a separate destination. A yoga mat, some free weights, and a place to put your phone (for music or streaming) are all you need. Instant gym.

How about a place to make or just relax? Throw a few pillows on the floor near a window. Add a small vase of flowers for extra comfort. Now knit, meditate, or do whatever will make you feel good.

Simple and affordable ways to take time “away” from home.

And now the trickiest part to the idea of separate destinations….(drum roll, please)…

Don’t mix.

If possible, keep your work space separate from your home gym space. Keep your reading nook separate from your bed. Distinct destinations will make your home feel more organized and provide little escapes in a time where travel is frowned upon.

However, I realize that’s not always so easy…

…but don’t give up.

Think outside, a small spot in your garage, a small slab in your basement, hell – even the bathtub! Make a space for just you.


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