The Tube Obsession

The Tube Obsession

Listen to the blog here: I recently bought a used book called ‘365 TV-Free Activities You Can Do With Your Child’ by Steve and Ruth Bennett. While I’ve only made it about 10 pages...
Stop Them Early

Stop Them Early

Listen to the blog here: I know I’m a bit protective of my boys, but I didn’t realize the extent of the mommy- bear gene until G’s first bullying experience. He was playing with a...
Just Say Yes

Just Say Yes

Listen to this blog: There is a lot of content available surrounding the power of the word ‘No’. Saying ‘no’ to a request that you don’t want to do, saying ‘no’...
Spread Kindness

Spread Kindness

Listen to this blog: Emotional contagion is real. We often ‘catch’ emotions by just being around them. This applies to in-person AND social media interactions. Therefore, it’s...
Llama Comprehension

Llama Comprehension

Listen to this blog: Every evening it’s the same routine. Brush teeth, bathtime, an attempt at the potty, and stories before bed. He loves to curl into my lap, often backing up from several...
In Your Face

In Your Face

Listen to this blog: I don’t consider myself an overly visual person. I have always been more attracted to words than pictures. That being said, my wall has sported an “inspiration” word...