Listen to the blog: Think of someone in your world who has always been there for you. They have always lent a shoulder and an ear. Preferably, this figure does not judge and does not try to fix you. Most...
Listen to this blog: The power of working with your hands, the way your body feels as you move, the magnificent end-result of a photo shoot, the beautiful twinkling of chord progressions,...
Listen to this blog:–Not-The-Likes-esl46m In a social media-centered society, it’s hard not to equate your online presence with your worth. Think about it. The last time you posted. Were you hurt...
Listen to this blog: One of the biggest factors standing in our way of achieving a goal is our perception of pleasure and pain. Typically, if we are trying to stop a bad habit, we associate that with...
Listen to this blog: While it may seem motivating to state the goal, write it down, or even make it public knowledge (hello social media!), is that enough? For most people, figuring out the goal is...
Listen to this blog:–Resolutions-erd96t With the new year finally here, it is easy to get caught up in the notion of setting resolutions. It is part of our culture, it’s almost expected. However, the...