Adults Tend to Put Even Little Things Off Instead of Dealing With Them: Question 2 – What Stressor Can You Outsource?

January 27, 2025

By Meghan Greenwood

what stressor can you outsource?
what stressor can you outsource?

Listen on the Pgh Dreamer’s Pod:—What-Stressor-Can-You-Outsource-e2u2399

Humans are easily overwhelmed when the mountain of to-dos never seems to shrink. Some upholders are motivated by the list, at least to an extent, but even their energy can wane after a single item hangs on that list for more than 6 months. What is ultimately baffling is how we let little things cause stress, unending stress, when we could simply take action to get them off our plates.

For example, look around your house. Do you have a room that causes you stress? Do you wish something looked different? Are you frustrated or angered by the site of unused items or items used not-for-purpose? Do you want something to be finished that continues to linger on and on?

How about chores that you can’t get under control? Is your yard taken over by weeds? Does the idea of coming up with recipes every night debilitating? Are you buried under a layer of dust and dirt?

Of all of these common, everyday issues, which brings you the most stress? Once you’ve identified it, let’s think about how we can outsource this problem.

For me, I spend most of my time in my home office. Working from home has its benefits, for sure, but creating an environment within the home that serves as a focused place to deal with work meetings and stay on track with deadlines can be a big ask. Mostly because my office serves as a dumping ground for all the things that don’t have other homes. So not only does my office contain my work items, but it also serves as my gift wrapping area, my sentimental storage space, my side hustle center, and a room for playing the keyboard, reading, paying bills, and sewing. A multi-functional space with little to no organization.

When I enter this space every morning, I’m slightly on edge. So much paper, too many things on the desk that every time I move, something falls off. It’s hard to focus. And that’s not how I want to start my day.

I decided that while I’ve had big dreams to Marie Kondo the office, the time and effort it would take me to do this alone is unrealistic. Instead, I’m going to hire someone to help me. And in this process, support a local, women-owned small business – killing 2 birds with one stone!

Maybe you’re reading this and thinking, yeah, but I don’t have dispensable funds to outsource. And I totally understand this. I’m not suggesting you spend ridiculous money fixing every self-proclaimed problem. I simply want you to consider if it’s worth getting some help. If hiring someone to help you do something small will pay off in mental-health dividends, it may be worth it. Our mental load is already at max, why not lessen your burden?

Need additional help staying on track? Reach out for a free Accountability Buddy consultation today.


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