Minimize Procrastination, Maximize Productivity

May 6, 2024

By Meghan Greenwood

minimize procrastination and maximize productivity with accountability buddy
minimize procrastination and maximize productivity with accountability buddy

Listen to the Pgh Dreamer’s Pod:–Maximize-Productivity-e2jai8v

There is always a million + 1 things to do. And in a world where technology is advancing faster than life, it’s likely we’ll never feel like we have enough time. SPOTLIGHT: procrastination. It rears its ugly head the more and more we become overwhelmed. With a sense of too much to do, fear of not knowing the best way to do it, and a lack of energy, procrastination can be a vicious cycle to break through.

However, with some time and a clear strategy, life can be more manageable. And yes, I said time – the elusive variable that we’ll never have enough of. But here’s the crux, if we don’t set aside some time to figure out our interests, our priorities, and an understanding of the why, we’ll continue in this same rut.

I’m not talking major time either. As little as 30 minutes per week can set you up for much more success than you’re currently having. For example, a lot of procrastination comes from not knowing where to start. You see the massive to-do list and are too burdened to figure out what to do first.

If you take some time to think about what parts of the list are aligned with your interests, why they were added to begin with, and how they should be prioritized, taking into consideration deadlines or critical milestones, the list becomes less daunting and the doing is more justified.

And once you get into a habit of strategizing before doing, the fear and anxiety that come with tackling the to-dos starts to lift as well. You feel more confident in the why and even if you can’t do it all on your ideal timeline, you at least can go into the following week knowing some sound reasoning for keeping the item on the list. Heck, with more repetitions of this strategy, you may even feel motivated and energized to do more! This is also the sweet spot where you start to think outside the box and come up with even more efficient ways to do things. The creative juices can flow when you’re not so bogged down by the looming list.

You can do this. You can squash the procrastination bug. Give yourself a little time. Cheers to maximizing your productivity, friends!


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