5 Benefits of Routine

October 2, 2023

By Meghan Greenwood

5 Benefits of Routine
5 Benefits of Routine

Listen to the Pgh Dreamer’s Pod: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/meghan-greenwood/episodes/5-Benefits-of-Routine-e2a2cf3

When you hear the word ‘routine’, how do you feel? Do you relish at the thought? Or do you find comfort in the notion?

If you shudder at the idea of maintaining a routine, I would like to pitch 5 reasons why doing so can be hugely beneficial:

  1. Including some routine items in your day can boost your productivity. When you finish items that are habit, you’re likely to continue doing more tasks, especially those that may seem daunting at first.
  2. When we consider a routine, we will likely implement items that are good for us physically – whether that means eating well, moving more, or getting more sleep. In general, our bodies will thank us.
  3. A routine can bring a sense of control into a stressful environment. If you are going through a hard time, knowing that you have the routine to fall back on can provide comfort and ease in an otherwise difficult situation.
  4. Routines help us become organizing experts. Maybe you are a procrastinator or are paralyzed by the number of items on your to do list. A daily routine gets us into organization mode – and we have more confidence to tackle the rest of life’s tasks as they pop up.
  5. Because we all could use more positivity in our lives, routines help build optimism. We feel accomplished, calm, and motivated after we complete a normal daily routine. This type of mental boost can certainly make our days better and improve our overall behavior.

Are you convinced? Start small and give a routine a try!


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