Find Your Creative Therapy

March 30, 2021

By Meghan Greenwood

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The power of working with your hands, the way your body feels as you move, the magnificent end-result of a photo shoot, the beautiful twinkling of chord progressions, the blossoming full garden in your backyard.

The way we express ourselves creatively can have more than artistic appeal. It can in and of itself be therapeutic.

When we create, we are practicing ultimate mindfulness. We are engrossed in the act, reach a state of flow, and likely have a strong passion for doing it. We are putting aside life’s difficulties, stepping away from day-to-day stresses, and just being in the moment.

The act of creating focuses the mind on the task at hand. It can even reveal deeper thoughts. In a formal setting of art therapy, for example, clients may create something that highlights whatever may be happening with the unconscious mind.

Formal settings aside, there is plenty you can do on your own to get similar benefits. If you have a creative hobby already, you are set! If you need some inspiration, perhaps try one of the following:

  1. Start asking yourself discovery questions. What makes me excited? What do I wish I had more time for? Who or what am I naturally drawn to? Let these be catalysts to your next creative approach.
  2. Look for local events and classes. There may be ways for you to learn a new skill that could develop into your creative outlet.
  3. Ask friends and family what they like to do. It could be a way to bond with this person and grow closer.
  4. Research artists, authors and makers. See what makes other people tick and what they are producing (think Instagram Discover tool).
  5. Return to your childhood. If you enjoyed doing something as a child, you likely have some inherent passions. These can be revamped into more adult appropriate activities (such as, you liked making friendship bracelets – maybe now you want to start creating jewelry) or be mimics of your childhood happiness (hello adult coloring books!).

No matter what you decide, the key here is to do it. Take the time for yourself. Allow yourself to explore. Learn new things, make mistakes, try again. You don’t have to create a masterpiece to reap the benefits of this therapeutic practice. Creative expression should and can provide a welcome escape from life’s stressors.

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