Talk It Out

March 8, 2021

By Meghan Greenwood

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We often take for granted the power of talking. So many ideas float around in our heads, some bringing us happiness, others bringing us stress. We stay up at night worrying about decisions or to-dos. Yet, we hesitate to verbalize…maybe because we are not sure what to say…or not sure how someone may respond to our thoughts.

Enter an unbiased, third-party. Someone you trust, but who is not necessarily your spouse or parent. It could be a friend, it could be a mentor, it could be a therapist, or it could be an accountability buddy (*wink wink, nudge nudge*).

Talking through your ideas, your worries, your desires can be super productive for many reasons:

  1. It forces you to fully develop the idea. Maybe you only had bits and pieces in your head? Explaining it to another person cues neuronal connections in your brain. This is especially helpful if you’re having trouble figuring out what to do next and how to do it.
  2. It can calm unnecessary worries. Speaking to another person cultivates relatability. We are all human, and the person you’re speaking with most likely has had to overcome obstacles before too. Another person’s perspective may also provide new approaches for dealing with the issue, including ways of coping or improving your situation that you hadn’t thought of before.
  3. It can manifest your desires. Stating out loud what you want out of life can bring new energy to the aspiration. It makes it real. It makes it tangible. And it forces you to ponder it. You may say to yourself, I want this and I am ready to make this happen. Let’s do it!

If nothing else, talking can help remove any weight the idea may be imposing. You may feel lighter after telling someone, especially if that someone is judgement-free and a great listener. Overall, you may feel more clarity about your situation and your journey through life.

In the words of David Gilmour, keep talking.


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