Spread Kindness

June 4, 2020

By Meghan Greenwood

Listen to this blog: https://anchor.fm/meghan-greenwood/episodes/Spread-Kindness-erd6nl

Emotional contagion is real. We often ‘catch’ emotions by just being around them. This applies to in-person AND social media interactions. Therefore, it’s important to keep people in our lives who lift us up, instead of putting us down. (And PS, if you’re feeling crummy after scrolling through Facebook, delete “Friends” or take a hiatus – it’s good for the soul).

As a parent, I am often trying to think of ways to deliberately show my kids what kindness is. My husband and I will point out actions that are caring and positively reinforce their good behavior.

In addition to our efforts, we have taken comfort in several children’s books to further, and more creatively, describe kindness and positive behaviors. These are a few favorites:

  1. Have You Filled A Bucket Today? by Carol McCloud – a clever and engaging way to teach kids about empathy and the result of our actions. Bucket Fillers all the way!
  2. We All Sing With The Same Voice by J Phillip Miller and Shep Greene – a beautiful lyrical book illustrating the point that no matter how we look, where we’re from, and who we are, we all are human. As sung on Sesame Street.
  3. The Last Stop on Market Street by Matt de la Pena – a celebration of city culture, humanity, giving back, and embracing the beauty in every person & place.
  4. Those Shoes by Maribeth Boelts – a tale to remind us of what matters most, kindness and the people we love.

Grab copies or borrow from your local library (when it reopens). Kids are like sponges and these easy readers are certain to help any parent interested in highlighting kindness. It’s never too early to start the spread.

Don’t have kids? These books can transport adults back into a world of innocence and help shift our opinion of the world around us. It’s never too late to start the spread.


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