The Dreamer's Blog
Reach your goalsAdults Have Lost the Ability to Truly Rest, Especially Without Guilt: Question 1 – When Was the Last Time You Felt Rested?
Listen on the Pgh Dreamer's Pod: As a fresh start to 2025, I will be posing...
2024 Our Path Wrap-Up
Listen on the Pgh Dreamer's Pod: We are so grateful for another extraordinary year of interviews on the Pgh Dreamer's Pod! Women creators, thinkers, and...
Our Path Series: Luciana Brussi – Lua Dance Club
Listen to her interview on the Pgh Dreamer's Pod: Luciana Brussi is a professional dancer and studio owner. She began her dance career as a young girl, training and teaching other children, and performing in...
Figure Out What Makes You Tick
Listen on the Pgh Dreamer's Pod: I recently had a conversation with a client about big challenges happening simultaneously. She felt overwhelmed and frustrated;...
Our Path Series: Danielle Spinola – Abeille Voyante Tea Co
Listen to Danielle's interview on the Pgh Dreamer's Pod: Danielle Spinola is an avid tea drinker, herbalist, and the Tea-E-O of Abeille...
5 Ways To Give Yourself Some Gratitude
Listen on the Pgh Dreamer's Pod: Loving yourself is non-negotiable. In trying times, giving yourself thanks and grace can provide comfort. Here are 5 ways to...