Our Path Series: Barbara Brutt

Our Path Series: Barbara Brutt

Barbara Brutt is a published author, an aerialist, a lead digital content specialist, a local influencer, and a self-proclaimed sugar connoisseur. Find Barbara and her books here: IG: @piquelar and @cordiallybarbara Facebook: @BarbaraBruttWriter Listen to my full...
I Can Still Go Outside

I Can Still Go Outside

Listen to the podcast: https://anchor.fm/meghan-greenwood/episodes/I-Can-Still-Go-Outside-e17a206 I have never been an outdoor person. My strong affinity to computers, books, and warmth has tied me to the inside of the house since as long as I can remember. But when I...
Our Path Series: Lindsay Surmacz

Our Path Series: Lindsay Surmacz

Lindsay is an emerging Pittsburgh artist, creator of The Starry Messenger, Punk & Pie, and the Storybook Circus. She specializes in STEM, literacy, and circus arts as a way to promote children’s education. Listen to her interview here:...
5 Tips To Improve Your Resume

5 Tips To Improve Your Resume

Listen to the blog here: https://anchor.fm/meghan-greenwood/episodes/5-Tips-to-Improve-Your-Resume-e16ba33 Finding a job is a job in and of itself. A lot of time and effort goes into searching and applying for the job. After all of that, it is incredibly frustrating...
You Can Only Change You

You Can Only Change You

Listen to the blog here: https://anchor.fm/meghan-greenwood/episodes/You-Can-Only-Change-You-e15m98g No matter what we may want for another person, we can’t force that person to change. This was a hard lesson growing up, especially when I saw friends and family...