5 Ways to Decrease 2nd Shift (Evening) Overload

June 3, 2024

By Meghan Greenwood

5 ways to decrease evening overload
5 ways to decrease evening overload

Listen to the Pgh Dreamer’s Pod: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/meghan-greenwood/episodes/5-Ways-to-Decrease-2nd-Shift-Evening-Overload-e2kemv1

If you consider your workday when you go to the office, you’re probably underestimating how much you actually work. Deemed ‘2nd shift’, the typical adult’s evening tends to creep closer and closer to jam-packed, sometimes due to necessity, but often due to poor planning. Here are 5 ways to decrease the evening overload:

  1. Schedule evening tasks in advance. On Sunday, prepare for the upcoming week. Figure out what you can accomplish each day ahead of time.
  2. Limit the evening to-dos to a maximum of 3. Don’t try to do every chore in one night – that’s a fast track to exhaustion.
  3. Balance pleasure and hassles. For every hassle, make sure you also try to do something pleasurable. Something as simple as sitting outside for 5 minutes can assuage the feeling of overwhelm.
  4. Make sure to stay well-fed and hydrated. Take the time to eat a balanced meal and drink water before you tackle even more work.
  5. Ask for help. If you have way too much on your plate, delegate or ask someone for assistance. It’s ok to not do it all yourself. 


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