5 Ways to Survive the Holiday Season

December 4, 2023

By Meghan Greenwood

survive the holidays
survive the holidays

Listen to the Pgh Dreamer’s Pod: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/meghan-greenwood/episodes/5-Ways-to-Survive-the-Holidays-e2cpqi8

Stress is inevitable at this time of year. Between the pressure of gift-giving and magical traditions and of course, the family obligations, some of us would rather bury our head than deal with December. Here are 5 ways to survive the holidays:

  1. Say ‘no’. It is ok to decline a party invitation or holiday meet-up. Make up an excuse if you must, but if these events are extra weight, they’re unnecessary.
  2. Limit your shopping. Set expectations with those you buy for (and they can do the same for you). Perhaps you restrict gifts to a $20 limit or gift cards only this year.
  3. Don’t let comparisons ruin your mood. You’ll likely see a wealth of extravagant photos on social media showcasing what seems like the perfect holiday. While comparisons are inherent, make sure you don’t overanalyze your own situation.
  4. Allow yourself some indulgences. With great food and drink aplenty, it’s ok to partake. If you are worried about overdoing it, give yourself healthy boundaries, such as a 2-drink or a 5-cookie maximum.
  5. Do something to make YOU happy. The giving season also applies to yourself. Take this opportunity to do something nice just for you. 

Happy December!


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