Relaxation is Necessary Fuel

November 13, 2023

By Meghan Greenwood

relaxation is necessary
relaxation is necessary

Listen to this episode on the Pgh Dreamer’s Pod:

One of the biggest questions I get is how to fit in relaxation time…and more importantly, without guilt. Relaxation, by definition, means a state of low tension. Basically, a period of time without major stress. A span of low stimulation and limited negative feelings.

This state of mind is ESSENTIAL if you want to remain productive and ultimately, content. But how do we fit it in? In a world where we are running back and forth or answering a stream of incoming messages or always looking at the never-ending to do list, relaxation seems to be unattainable.

First, we need to define what relaxation is to us. Does this mean taking a nap? Reading a book? Curling on the couch & watching a movie? Or taking a walk? This is different for everyone, there is no right or wrong answer.

Next, we need to think about the barriers to relaxing. If it’s all of the places we need to go, we need to say ‘no’ at least every now and then. If it’s information overload, turn off your computer and phone notifications for a few hours. If it’s the to do list, think about what 3 tasks ABSOLUTELY have to happen today and once those are complete, give yourself grace.

Also, the duration of time in which you relax is not a one size fits all. Some people feel refreshed after 5 minutes of meditation. Others need a couple of hours to nap or veg out. Whatever works for you.

Finally, relaxation should not be a chore but welcome fuel. And just like you fill up your gas tank, you need to relax regularly. Perhaps once a day or a week or a month. As long as some pocket of time is set aside on a frequent cadence, you are doing right by your mind and body.

Go forth in relaxation my friends, it’s imperative.


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