The Pressure of Quality Time

October 16, 2023

By Meghan Greenwood

Quality time in the smallest of activities.
Quality time in the smallest of activities.

Listen on the Pgh Dreamer’s Pod:

We all know the saying – it’s not the quantity, it’s the quality. But what does ‘quality time’ mean to you? I feel like we often overinflate the idea of quality time…sometimes to a standard that is so hard to achieve that we end up disappointed or frustrated.

According to Oxford Languages, quality time is defined as time spent in giving another person one’s undivided attention in order to strengthen a relationship.

But we have to be honest – with constant phone notifications, multi-tasking, or multiple children in the household, distractions are inevitable and undivided attention is harder to come by these days.

That all being said, quality time can still exist. Of note, it doesn’t matter the context or the setting or the activity or the length of your quality time. As a parent, I know I grapple with not doing enough for my children. Maybe I should take them to the museum? Or the park today? Maybe I should let them pick out a toy for good behavior? Or let them pick their favorite restaurant? But no matter if I do those things, what really seems to resonate and make them smile is if I just sit with them and talk or play. That’s it. Easy peasy.

In terms of other relationship quality time, cuddling with my partner for 10 minutes or taking a walk with a friend counts. You don’t need a lavish brunch or extreme vacation to provide that quality boost. It’s the little things that matter.

The pressure of your time together being just right is unnecessary. There is no perfect opportunity, only the now.

And if you can put your phone on silent, in another room, BONUS.


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